Let's Talk Confidence!
When I was younger, I used to be shy. As we get older, we get more confident. There is something to be said for listening and watching. For a practicing painter, being an observer can be a good thing. I believe being a good observer can really help you with your paintings long term. It really helps to create deeper, more meaningful work. But it gets to a point where if you are too timid in the painting world, it can actually hurt you.
“ But, there comes a time when you have to step in front of the canvas and remember that you know more than you give yourself credit for.”
I urge my students to be like a conductor. When you step in front of your canvas, you are the conductor. You are the one that sets the tone and is in control. You have to be confident in front of your canvas. It can really show in the work if you are not confident. You can tell confident vs. unconfident artists through their brush strokes.
This comes with time. If you have just started painting, don’t overthink it. But, there comes a time when you have to step in front of the canvas and remember that you know more than you give yourself credit for.We sometimes are not putting all of our knowledge out there on the canvas. Once you have enough years and confidence behind you, you have to show it on the canvas. This will come out in your work. I have compared paintings next to each other and I can tell the brush strokes are more confident in one vs. the other. It has nothing to do with technique at that point. When the time comes, make sure you step up and show that confidence that is already there waiting to come out!
Learn more today through my free webinar, video download package, or podcast.